Vista(Christie) Matrix Router Compatibility Repository


Join me over at Github and lets solve the occasional headaches of Matrix Router Configurations with the Spyder.

The goal is to build a List of Video Matrix Routers compatible with the Vista(Christie) Spyder Switching Platform

Compatible Matrix Routers will be listed By Directory with Connection Settings config.txt and working, tested .vap configuration file

Router Test Process:

1. Factory reset the router to is default IP Address and/or Serial Port Configurations

2. Plug a reliable monitor into Output 1 of the router and 2 reliable sources as inputs 1 and 2

3. Switch the Output 1 between Inputs 1 and 2 on the router(either via front panel or other vendor specific operations) to ensure the router is in working order.

4. Open the Template .vap in Vista Advanced (Currently supporting 4.0.4)

5. Adjust the connection settings with the Appropriate Protocol and Add the router to the config.

6. Try a Query Router

5. Now perform a route using the RouterXY Patch Panel


Default Vista Advanced Configuration:

Version 4.0.4


4 Discreet 720@59.94 with Preview Mon on Output 8


Submissions should be forked in the Approved Directory and must include(see template):

Within a Directory labelled by Product-MaxtrixSize-Type   (ex.  Lightware-32x32-DVI, MatrixPro-8x8-SDI)

1. Working, configured Vista Advanced 4.0.4 .vap

2. Completed config.txt file template


If you are interested in working on this, let me know!




Request working Router configs by completing the template and commiting the submission to the Request Directory:

Within a Directory labelled by Product-MaxtrixSize-Type   (ex.  Lightware-32x32-DVI, MatrixPro-8x8-SDI)

1. The current router configuration Vista Advanced 4.0.4 .vap

2. Completed config.txt file template


Those with Request submissions can fork their solution, and when verified, I will merge the branch and move to Approved folder